Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh my gosh - it's been ages!

I wasn't even sure if I would remember my password! I have been away for so long (sorry to the people who actually do follow my blog and was wondering where I had disappeared to!) - busy busy - some of it good busy, some of it not good busy, but most of it just daily-grind busy! I don't know where to pick up, other than right now, here in the present. I do remember that this is about the time I started blogging last year - seems as though the summer brings a little extra time to relax and reflect.

Since the name of this blog is "Samida's Weightloss Journey" I suppose I owe it to you tell you exactly where I am on this journey. I have to say, "EXACTLY where I was last year!" I have to say that some of my summer clothes are exactly the same as the ones I was wearing 10 years ago. I don't go up OR down. This can be good OR bad! lol -- I wish vanity meant something to me - but it really doesn't. I like the way I am right now. A little thinner wouldn't hurt, but that's not important to me, as my weight hasn't stopped me from doing anything in my life that I have wanted to do. I really should go back over my blog and see if I am repeating myself here! (I actually did print it out with the intention of reading all my past entries - but it came to 50 pages, and I just didn't want to sit and read it - maybe I'll bring it with me tomorrow for some beach reading.) I WOULD like to change some of the numbers on my blood tests (the usual: sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides) - but even those are acceptable so not a whole lot of motivation there. NOT to mention that my knees are shot and I will probably have pain no matter what I weigh - until I replace them. Boy... am I (NOT) motivated to lose weight, or what?

HOWEVER - that being all said, I am STILL eating super healthy - things I have already shared with you. Right now I am trying to get a handle on my appetite and hunger. It's been strange (and I would call my doctor but my thyroid function is also perfect) - but even having a fantastic breakfast, I'm still hungry mid-morning: something that NEVER happens to me; or I am hungry (really hungry - not just rooting around out of boredom) in the evening after a good dinner. For example, yesterday's breakfast was: Plain non-fat yogurt, plain mini-shredded wheats, blueberries, walnuts and flaxseed oil with lignans. (For those of you counting points it was a whopping 8 points!) There is no way in HE-double hockey sticks I should have been hungry before noon or 1PM. However, there I was at 11AM absolutely hungry. Ditto for today: This morning I had smoked salmon, almonds and blueberries, and coffee with REAL cream (the fat in the salmon, nuts and cream really should have held me till at least noon). For lunch I had lentil salad (that recipe is early on in my blog) and hard-boiled eggs and throughout the day I had snacks of fruit and nuts. Last night I had chicken Parmesan (homemade - not fried and breaded with junk, and a totally wholesome sauce made from fresh tomatoes, onions and basil) with steamed greenbeans... I barely made it to 7 before I was ACTUALLY hungry. What's up with that? Oh well, at least I pride myself on not eating junk or white carbs or sugar.

I am eating all whole, dense foods, with plenty of (good) fat intake. I have to do some investigation and see what might be going on. It could also be that my body just has to get used to a smaller quantity (yes, I am always on a quest to lose weight) even though the quality and frequency of meals is first-class. And in case any of you are wondering: NO, I haven't increased physical activity. LOL - you don't know me at all if you ask that!

I have been cycling through both the new Supercharged South Beach (OMG - if any of you tried SB years ago you have got to invest in books on the new program - other than that pesky Phase 1, it is, in my opinion, totally different and more forgiving with many more choices) and the Eat-Clean Diet (Tosca Reno). Mostly I have been using the wonderful recipes of both programs rather than following the programs themselves. I swear, say DIET and I am running the other way. Call it a "lifestyle change" if you want... I still hear DIET. lol

Anyhoo - it's great to back and I promise to write weekly (at least) and put up some of my recipes and meal ideas.


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